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Accessing Staff Section

The staff section is where you can find all records pertaining to a staff member. Here you will be able to see all staff that you have access to.


You can filter this list to show the staff with different status’, These being; active, applicant, referral, inactive and archived. The archived status is used in place of deleting records completely.

When you select view, you will be taken to that staff profile.

This indicates the status of the Primary Record, selecting the button will allow you to select one of several system options which cannot be edited.

The available options are:


Archive -This option will ‘hide’ the client from the roster.

These options will allow for advanced filtering using lookups which will be covered in the form management chapter.

  1. This search bar will allow you to search for other staff more easily without needing to return to the table view.
  2. This is site the record has been saved in, it will allow you to change the selected area:

Remember – This list will only show the areas you have access to view.

  1. These Icons will allow you to:

Print -Allows you to print the record

View PDF – Generates a PDF copy of the record

Send Record – Allows you to send a PDF copy of the record to either an external email, or if the internal option is selected will allow you to choose from a list of users in the system.

  1. These are the different tab you can switch between to see different forms.
  2. These Icons represent the record access, record revision, record permission and team manager respectively.

Record access will allow you to easily see who has viewed this record and a simplified version of the user logs of what actions have occurred.

Record Revision will allow you to view and report on changes made to the record. We cover this in greater detail in our Security chapter.

The Record Permissions will let you know exactly who can view the record, with the legend indicating where they have been either allowed or denied access.

Using the Team Manager you can view a staff members managers / their team, as well as adding new people to these lists. This will be covered in more detail in our Security chapter.

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