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Flowlogic Rights List

Below you will find a list of rights stored within the FlowLogic system. These rights can be assigned to groups to allow further access to complete tasks within the system.

*Note* If you are not quite sure which right is required for certain access or you’re concerned about certain access within the system please contact the support line on 1300 552 166 before making changes.

Right Name Description
account_details Ability to access ‘My Profile Tab’
activitytracker Activity Tracker
admin_availability_toggle This will show a switch on the roster availability allowing management to temporary allow user to edit their availability.
admin_costmgmt Enables the Cost Manager tool
admin_flowdatareset SYSTEM ACCESS – Reset data tables in FlowLogic
admin_geologs Gives access to the Geo logs page
admin_groupmgmt Ability to access groups page
admin_logs Ability to view Logs Tab
admin_maillogs Ability to access mail logs
admin_reports Ability to Administer reports
admin_rightmgmt Ability to access and set Rights in Groups Management
admin_suswitch Ability to access the Super User Switcher function
admin_sysinfo Ability to see the System Information
admin_teamswitch Allows managers to user-switch into a team member
admin_unittests SYSTEM ACCESS – Development Testing Access
admin_usermgmt Ability to access User page
adminajaxpopupview Admin POP-UPS
allocation_tracking Permits access to allocation tracking details
areas_autoassign_new Users with this right will be automatically assigned newly created areas
calendar Ability to access the Calendar
calendar_add Ability to Add items to the Calendar
calendar_delete Ability to Delete items in  the Calendar
calendar_edit Ability to Edit items in the calendar
calendar_leave Ability to see Leave items in the Calendar
calendar_leave_restricted_view Ability to see a subset of the Leave Details in the Calendar
calendar_read Ability to Read items created by others in the Calendar
cost Enable Cost Manager ajax features
custom_css Ability to add/edit Custom CSS in the instance
custom_js Ability to add/edit Custom JS in the Instance
dashboard Ability to view the dashboard page
dashboard_edit_mode Allows the editing of  the dashboard.
download_files Users with this right are allowed to download files
drive Ability to access the FlowLogic Drive
drive_admin Ability to Administer the FlowLogic Drive
edit_palette_label Ability to edit the labels on the Roster Palette
flowpoint_admin Ability to access the Administration of the FlowPoint System
form_savelock Provides the user to lock any record for the form that allows record locks
formmgmt Ability to access the Form Editing functionality
funding_exchange Export funding claim requests and import results
geolocation Gives the function of geolocation
globe_accessrestrictions Ability to access/ edit record permission overrides (shield icon)
globe_aclmgmt Ability to view access control logs
globe_add Ability to add primary records
globe_automations Allow access to the new Automations add-On module (Workflow2.0)
globe_biometrics Users with this right are allowed to access the biometric device management
globe_calendar Ability to access calendar section
globe_edit Ability to edit primary and secondary records
globe_fieldmanager DEV – Access to Fieldmanager
globe_formmgmt Gives access to the form manager page
globe_inbox Ability to see the FlowLogic Inbox
globe_inbox_admin Ability to use the FlowLogic Inbox Management
globe_leave Ability to create a leave request
globe_leave_mass_approve Users with this right are allowed to mass approve leave requests
globe_leaveexport Allows user to export leave requests to accounting software such as MYOB and Xero
globe_leavemgmt Gives access to the leave management page
globe_list Ability to access sections under dash
globe_lockmgmt Ability to unlock and edit locked records
globe_massadd Ability to use the mass add from CSV function for records
globe_messenger Ability access internal messages
globe_messenger_msgadm Gives access to the messenger admin page
globe_ndis NDIS Addons View
globe_ndisexport Export NDIS sales to Accounting Software
globe_new Ability to add secondary records
globe_objdeletemgmt ADMIN Object/File Management
globe_objectclassmgmt ADMIN Objectclass Manager
globe_objsitemgmt Object/File Site Management
globe_ohsdeletemgmt OHS delete manager
globe_payrollexport Users with this right will be able to access the Payroll Export section
globe_processmgmt Admin Process Manager
globe_roster Ability to view the roster page
globe_rosterexport Allows users to export roster information to accounting software such as MYOB/Xero etc.
globe_search Ability to use the search function
globe_sectionmgmt Gives access to the section manager page
globe_shapeemail Ability to Email saved forms
globe_shapemgmt DEV Shape Manager
globe_shapepdf Ability to download primary/ secondary records as PDF
globe_shapepdfprint Ability to print primary/ secondary records
globe_shapeprint globe_shapeprint
globe_shaperevisionview Ability to view primary/ secondary record revisions (previous versions)
globe_shapeview View tab shapes of an object
globe_sitemgmt Manage sites
globe_timesheet Ability to create ‘own’ timesheets
globe_timesheetexport Allows users to export timesheet information to accounting software such as MYOB/Xero etc.
globe_timesheetmgmt Ability to view timesheet management page
globe_travelmgmt Enable Travel Tool Manager
globe_view Ability to read primary records
globe_workflow Ability to access FlowLogic Workflows
kpi_v2_admin Allows access to KPIs widget Admin settings
language_editor System Language Administration
leave Leave Requests AJAX
manage_own_twofa Manage Own 2FA
manage_two_fa Manage 2FA
massadd_leave Allow access to Leave Balances import feature
massadd_records Allow access to Records Data import feature
massadd_roster Allow access to Roster Shifts import feature
messenger Addon Messenger Functions
messenger_admin Addon Messenger Admin AJAX
ndis_ajax NDIS AJAX functions
ndis_mgmt NDIS Price Management
nobody Special loopback system right to prevent access to protected internal rights
object Object AJAX
panic_mode Access Emergency Button
payroll_finance Users with this right will be able to see and use financial details and widgets in the Payroll Export section
payroll_tab Admin Users with this right can access the Payroll Tab on employee primary record to review payroll details and leave balances
product_import Allows import of products via CSV file
product_selection_show_all_items Always show items tab in billables product selection dialog
product_update_stream Users with this right are allowed to see the FlowLogic notification stream Bubble in the top right corner of the screen
qaddressbook Address Book Functions
qdownload Download Functions
record_access_logs Record: Show access logs
record_affinity Allows management of record affinity rules and lookups
record_l3_savelock Show save & lock button in primary record create/edit view
record_l3_savenew Show save as new button in primary record edit view
record_l4_copy Show copy button in secondary record view. Allows secondary records to be copied to another primary record
record_l4_savelock Show save & lock button in secondary record create/edit view
record_l4_savenew Show save as new button in secondary record edit view
record_send Allows user to send records via email or internal messenger
record_viewed_logs Show record last viewed by
reports Access to the FlowLogic Reports section
resource_details_edit_own Edit own Roster Resource details.
resource_details_read_own Read own Roster Resource details.
restrict_all_users_recipient Restricts the All Users group recipient when sending a message
restrict_status_change Restricts the primary record status from changing
risk_assessment_tool Users with this right will be able to access the Risk Assessment Tool under the Records Management menu
risk_assessment_tool_create Create new Risk Matrix
risk_assessment_tool_edit Edit existing Risk Matrix
risk_assessment_tool_trash Delete existing Risk Matrix
rogue_shifts Users with this right will be able to access the Missing Employee shift report section round in roster schedule
roster_admin Access to the Roster Administration menu
roster_admin_contracts Users with this right are allowed to manage roster contracts
roster_admin_holidays Users with this right are allowed to manage roster holidays
roster_admin_resources Users with this right are allowed to manage roster resources
roster_admin_schedules Users with this right are allowed to manage roster schedules
roster_admin_templates Users with this right are allowed to manage roster templates
roster_createshift_own Create own shifts in the Roster
roster_edit_locked Override access to locked (completed) roster shifts
roster_edit_shift_resource_costs Allows users to override a shift resource’s cost
roster_editshift_own Edit own shifts in the Roster
roster_manage_costs Manage Costs in the Roster
roster_new Right that controls access to the new roster layout.
roster_overview Access the Roster Overview
roster_palette_manager Access to the Palette Manager in Roster
roster_read_all Read all shifts and resources
roster_read_sites Read shifts and resources for assigned sites
roster_resource_permissions Apply additional linked record permissions check to determine roster resource visibility
roster_toggle_staff_permissions Enables one-click record permission updates between Staff and Participants
roster_update_all Update all shifts and resources
roster_update_sites Update shifts and resources for assigned sites
roster_view_notes Allows users to view shift notes. Applies to both readonly and editable shifts
roster_view_shift_resource_costs Allows users to view a shift resource’s cost override
roster_view_worktime Allows roster weekly worktime visibility
sectionmgmt Admin Section Manager Functions
sms_send Send SMS
superadmin Special system super administrator right
system_settings Manage System Settings
teams_manage Allows to edit the Teams tab in the Staff section
teams_view Allows to view the Teams tab in the Staff section
timesheet Timesheets view
timesheet_alter_processed Allows users to change status of processed timesheets
timesheet_break_edit Allows editing of Break-Time on Timesheets
timesheet_history Users with this right are allowed to view the status change history of timesheets.
timesheet_manual_addshift Users with this right are allowed to manually add shifts to a timesheet.
timesheet_match_time Admin Users with this right can access Match-Time feature on timesheet view
timesheet_submit_awake Enable Wake-up field on Timesheets
timesheet_wakeup_edit Allows editing of Wake-Ups on Timesheets
timesheetmanagement_restrict_employment Restrict access to a employment type
travel Enable Travel Tool ajax features
travel_actions Allows to access travel actions button
travel_add_delete Allows to Add and Delete travel items
user_availability_edit Edit own availability under User Profile
user_mgmt Veiw functions for user management section
widget_calendar_upcoming Dashboard Widget: Upcoming Calendar Events
widget_commbook Dashboard Widget: Communication Book
widget_incidents Display Incident Statistics
widget_item_sites Allow access to Items by Site widget
widget_new_record Allows access to NewRecordShortcut widget
widget_ohs_process Dashboard Widget: Record Process Status Graphs
widget_participants Display Participant Statistics
widget_record_list Dashboard Widget: Record Lists
widget_roster_overview Dashboard Widget: Team Contracted Hours Overview
widget_roster_upcoming Dashboard Widget: Upcoming Roster Schedule
widget_scheduler_event_notes Dashboard Widget: Shift Note Submissions
widget_shift_costing Widget Roster Shift Costing Estimate
widget_whs_incidents Dashboard Widget: WHS Incidents
widget_whs_incidents_v2 Dashboard Widget: WHS Incidents v2
workflow_admin Workflow Administrator
xeroapi_enabled Allows users to perform Xero Integration functions
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