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Resetting Password

If you are unsure or have forgotten your password, you can request a reset email to be sent to your registered email address.

  1. Open up your preferred web browser :Chrome: :Firefox: :Safari: :Internet_Explorer:
  2. Navigate to your flowlogic web address provided to you by your system administrator (For example
  3. Click on the “Reset password” button.
  4. Type in your username (Most commonly firstname.lastname)
  5. Click “Reset my password
  6. Open your email and find the email from
  7. Click the link in the email.
  8. Create a new password which contains
    – At least one uppercase letter
    – At least one lowercase letter
    – At least one number
    – At least 10 characters


You can also change your password from the User Menu after logging in to Flowlogic, by clicking on your name and selecting “Change Password”.

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